You are invited to the 13th
annual Late-War Flames of War San Antonio Tournament,
Otherwise known as

We will play 4th edition rules.
There are 16 player slots. First
lists in and approved, first served. I will take stand-bys after
that. Please Email all lists to Ian Straus at
by noon December 8th, 2017 for
approval. Send lists with subject line “FoWSA 13 lists”. (If you use other subject lines, don’t be
surprised when I don’t find them in my spam-filled email. )
This Late War Tournament will cost
$15.00 with a $5 discount for current LSHM members who pre-register. Tournament
fees will be payable on the day of event at the door. Lunch (pizza) is included
in the entry fee.
The Tournament will use 1780 points. Armies must be built from the current late war Army books and official PDF lists available on line as of November 1st 2018.
The Tournament will use 1780 points. Armies must be built from the current late war Army books and official PDF lists available on line as of November 1st 2018.
Lists must show
●the player’s name, player’s city,
●the book or PDF on which they are
based, the company nationality, name and page number,
● the number and types of stands in
each platoon, as well as the point costs and upgrades for each platoon.
Bring copies of your
list for your opponent to look at, and
bring the source book or PDF.
may be used. However when a specific Hero is killed, all players using that
hero immediately lose the hero in question for that round. (After all
these guys are unique.)
There will be 3 rounds played. Missions will be announced at sign-in.
Priorities in pairings in round 1: Pair Axis vs. Allied; pair opponents from
different cities.
Priorities of pairings in rounds 2
& 3 will be: No repeats vs. the same opponent; pair Axis vs.
Allied; Highest cumulative scores vs. highest.
Prizes will be awarded to best overall
general, best Axis, and best Allied players as well best terrain table, and
lower prizes depending on attendance. Terrain will be appreciated, and I will give a prize for the best table. (We provide the table, you provide everything
on top of it, 4’x6’.) We will set up
terrain on Saturday at 9:00AM. Please
tell me if you intend to participate in the terrain table contest, so that
I may send you table criteria and forms.
Ian Straus, tournament director.
For more FoWSA tournament and San Antonio
Flames of War events information see the facebook page